How to serve documentation using godoc together with go modules?

The issue isn’t modules so much as GOPATH. There’s a github issue thread that discusses this in more detail: That thread has evolved a workaround that uses a docker container to run a godoc server with GOPATH set to the base of your dev tree. That godoc server will serve docs for all of … Read more

What is the relationship between docutils and Sphinx?

epydoc and Sphinx are different types of tools. They are the same in that they: Both use ReST via docutils. Both are very Pythonic in their focus Both can generate HTML and PDF documentation They are different in their focus. Epydoc is focused on API (Developer) documentation. You get more results quicker with Epydoc. You … Read more

What are the main differences of Sphinx and Doxygen? [closed]

This answer addresses point 2 of your question. Yes, doxygen partly has those features. You can have math formulas, that can be rendered either through a local Latex install, or through MathJax, a Javascript rendering library. As with Latex, these can be either “embedded” into text, or as a separate unit in the text flow. … Read more

How do I get a multipage site from GitHub Pages’ automatic generator?

You can get github to generate .html files from .markdown files by ensuring the top of the .markdown starts with the —- block like this: — title: This will be used as the title-tag of the page head — hello ===== **You are here!** Found this here:

C++: Where to write the code documentation: in .cpp or in .hpp files? [closed]

Both: Describe the API design and usage in the header: that’s your public interface for clients. Describe the implementation alternatives / issues and decisions in the implementation: that’s for yourself – later – and other maintainers/enhancers, even someone reviewing the design as input to some next-gen system years hence. Comment anything that’s not obvious, and … Read more