Replace carets with HTML superscript markup using Java
str.replaceAll(“\\^([0-9]+)”, “<sup>$1</sup>”);
str.replaceAll(“\\^([0-9]+)”, “<sup>$1</sup>”);
You are asking the wrong question. You are asking about sequential vs. parallel whereas you want to process items in order, so you have to ask about ordering. If you have an ordered stream and perform operations which guarantee to maintain the order, it doesn’t matter whether the stream is processed in parallel or sequential; … Read more
The Data Access Object is basically an object or an interface that provides access to an underlying database or any other persistence storage. That definition from: Check also the sequence diagram here: Maybe a simple example can help you understand the concept: Let’s say we have an entity to represent an employee: public … Read more
steps: 1.Add ‘Summary Report’, ‘Simple Data Writer’ from Listeners. 2.Set location to generated csv from “D:\apache-jmeter-3.0\bin\” copy all content from it 4.Open from same bin folder 5.Append all from to and save 6.Now run the your Test script cmd and enter jmeter -g D:\Report\TC001_Result.csv -o C:Report\ReportD Go to C:Report\ReportD … Read more
Ok, Installing extension: Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code (gabrielbb.vscode-lombok) did the trick.
Found the answer in the different post on here. It was not the accepted answer which it should be Spring RestTemplate with paginated API the answer by @rvheddeg is correct. You just need to put @JsonCreator and provide a constructor with all the properties, here is my RestResponsePage class that fixes the issue. class RestResponsePage<T> … Read more
To use a Comparator: Collections.sort(myList, new Comparator<Chromosome>() { @Override public int compare(Chromosome c1, Chromosome c2) { return, c2.getScore()); } }); If you plan on sorting numerous Lists in this way I would suggest having Chromosome implement the Comparable interface (in which case you could simply call Collections.sort(myList), without the need of specifying an explicit … Read more
I think using is more elegant and it is a part of Jersey. Just to extend previous answer, here is a simple example: @GET @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) @Path(“/values”) public Response getValues(String body) { //Prepare your entity Response response = Response.status(200). entity(yourEntity). header(“yourHeaderName”, “yourHeaderValue”).build(); return response; }
An addition to Jon Skeets post: The potential faster implementation is actually not hard to implement and adds only 2 lines of code, here is how I’d do it: if (midVal < key) low = mid + 1; else if (midVal > key) high = mid – 1; else if (low != mid) //Equal but … Read more
You should use : Math.max(0, yourVar) You don’t need a built-in function for that.