Spring Boot Page Deserialization – PageImpl No constructor

Found the answer in the different post on here. It was not the accepted answer which it should be Spring RestTemplate with paginated API the answer by @rvheddeg is correct. You just need to put @JsonCreator and provide a constructor with all the properties, here is my RestResponsePage class that fixes the issue. class RestResponsePage<T> … Read more

Sequelize pagination

The easiest way to do this is to use Sequelize’s findAndCountAll Post.findAndCountAll({ where: {…}, order: […], limit: 5, offset: 0, }).then(function (result) { res.render(…); }); Here, result has both the result of your query and count as result.rows and result.count. You can then increment the offset and use this for pagination. Sequelize documentation for findAndCountAll

Better way for Getting Total Count along with Paging in SQL Server 2012

If we’re allowed to change the contract, you can have: SELECT CSTNO, CSTABBR,COUNT(*) OVER () as TotalCount FROM DBATABC WHERE CSTABBR LIKE ‘A%’ ORDER BY CSTNO OFFSET ( @OffSetRowNo-1 ) * @FetchRowNo ROWS FETCH NEXT @FetchRowNo ROWS ONLY And now the total will be available as a separate column in the result set. Unfortunately, there’s … Read more

How to do pagination using range queries in MongoDB?

Since the collection I was paging had duplicate values I had to create a compound index on ProductName and id. Create Compound Index db.ProductGuideItem.ensureIndex({ ProductName:1, _id:1}); This solved my problem. Reference: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mongodb-user/3EZZIRJzW_A/oYH79npKZHkJ Assuming you have these values: {a:1, b:1} {a:2, b:1} {a:2, b:2} {a:2, b:3} {a:3, b:1} So you do this for the range based … Read more

Total row count for pagination using JPA Criteria API

Thanks Vladimir! I took your idea and used separate count query to use my existing array of predicates in it. Final implementation looks like this: CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Brand> cQuery = builder.createQuery(Brand.class); Root<Brand> from = cQuery.from(Brand.class); CriteriaQuery<Brand> select = cQuery.select(from); . . //Created many predicates and added to **Predicate[] pArray** . . CriteriaQuery<Long> cq … Read more

React-Native Horizontal Scroll View Pagination: Preview Next Page/Card

I spend a lot of time fighting with this until I figured it out so here is my solution if it helps someone. https://snack.expo.io/H1CnjIeDb Problem was all these were required and pagination should be turned off horizontal={true} decelerationRate={0} snapToInterval={width – 60} snapToAlignment={“center”}