What is the security difference between API Keys and the client credentials flow of OAuth?

TLDR; The difference comes down to direct access vs. delegated access. OAuth allows you to make delegated access. The benefits of delegated access don’t change if there is a user involved or not. The same arguments that make the OAuth Authorization code flow attractive for user-to-machine access, apply to the OAuth Client credentials flow for … Read more

What DNSs have API access? [closed]

I guess in the last 3 years this is a bit of a solved problem. Here are some to check out: Amazon has a nice dns service now http://aws.amazon.com/route53/ Linode has a free api based dns if you’re a customer. Dynadot has a fee dns with an api if you’re a customer.

Making a Git project open source when you have secret keys

You could remove the secret keys using the git-filter-repo tool, see this explanation in the GitHub documentation. git-filter-repo is much preferable to the older git filter-branch. My old, now somewhat out-of-date answer: You could remove the secret keys from the repository using a hammer like git filter-branch. There is a nice explanation on GitHub’s help … Read more

Got problems with webhook to Telegram Bot API

Just another one moment, why your webhooks not work. In my case the reason was in allowed_updates webhook parameter. By calling : https://api.telegram.org/bot<your_bot_token>/getWebhookInfo You can see { “ok”: true, “result”: { “url”: “<your webhook url should be here>”, “has_custom_certificate”: false, “pending_update_count”: 0, “max_connections”: 40, “allowed_updates”: [ “callback_query” ] } } It means, that your bot … Read more

How do I do geocoding and routing with OpenStreetMap? [closed]

Routing MapQuest open offers an Open Directions Service and an Open Guidance Service. Additional information about Routing in OpenStreetMap can be found in the Routing article on the OSM wiki. Geocoding Cloudmade’s Web Maps API includes a geocoder. The geocoders currently used on OpenStreetMap’s main site are Nominatim and GeoNames. There is now also an … Read more

What Method.isBridge used for?

A bridge method may be created by the compiler when extending a parameterized type whose methods have parameterized arguments. You can find in this class BridgeMethodResolver a way to get the actual Method referred by a ‘bridge method’. See Create Frame, Synchronize, Transfer Control: As an example of such a situation, consider the declarations: class … Read more