How to sign string with private key

I guess what you say is you know the key pair before hand and want to sign/verify with that. Please see the following code. import; import; import; import; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { KeyPair keyPair = getKeyPair(); byte[] data = “test”.getBytes(“UTF8”); Signature … Read more

What is GitHub’s public GPG key?

GitHub sets the committer for all commits made using their web interface to the user web-flow. For any given GitHub account, you can add .gpg to its URL to get its public key—so for web-flow, you can find it at —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– xsBNBFmUaEEBCACzXTDt6ZnyaVtueZASBzgnAmK13q9Urgch+sKYeIhdymjuMQta x15OklctmrZtqre5kwPUosG3/B2/ikuPYElcHgGPL4uL5Em6S5C/oozfkYzhwRrT SQzvYjsE4I34To4UdE9KA97wrQjGoz2Bx72WDLyWwctD3DKQtYeHXswXXtXwKfjQ 7Fy4+Bf5IPh76dA8NJ6UtjjLIDlKqdxLW4atHe6xWFaJ+XdLUtsAroZcXBeWDCPa buXCDscJcLJRKZVc62gOZXXtPfoHqvUPp3nuLA4YjH9bphbrMWMf810Wxz9JTd3v yWgGqNY0zbBqeZoGv+TuExlRHT8ASGFS9SVDABEBAAHNNUdpdEh1YiAod2ViLWZs b3cgY29tbWl0IHNpZ25pbmcpIDxub3JlcGx5QGdpdGh1Yi5jb20+wsBiBBMBCAAW BQJZlGhBCRBK7hj4Ov3rIwIbAwIZAQAAmQEIACATWFmi2oxlBh3wAsySNCNV4IPf DDMeh6j80WT7cgoX7V7xqJOxrfrqPEthQ3hgHIm7b5MPQlUr2q+UPL22t/I+ESF6 … Read more

Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic) on openshift

if you are using Windows, you can try the following steps: look for your ssh public key usually you can find it at c:\\users\\YOUR_USERNAME\\.ssh copy your openshift public key to your git’s ssh-key folder suppose we have git in d:\\git then we need to copy the public key from c:\\users\\YOUR_USERNAME\\.ssh to d:\\git\\.ssh try if it … Read more

How to convert Byte array to PrivateKey or PublicKey type?

If you have a byte[] representing the output of getEncoded() on a key, you can use KeyFactory to turn that back into a PublicKey object or a PrivateKey object. byte[] privateKeyBytes; byte[] publicKeyBytes; KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(“RSA”); // or “EC” or whatever PrivateKey privateKey = kf.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyBytes)); PublicKey publicKey = kf.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKeyBytes));

X.509: Private / Public Key

The basics command line steps to generate a private and public key using OpenSSL are as follow openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024 openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -out publickey.cer -days 365 openssl pkcs12 -export -out public_privatekey.pfx -inkey private.key -in publickey.cer Step 1 – generates a private key Step 2 – creates a X509 certificate … Read more