Is there any way to disable GitHub Copilot comment suggestions?

I was annoyed at this too, and failed to find a decent automated solution anywhere on the web. So, I wrote a VSCode extension that watches the TextMate scopes wherever your active selection is, and if it detects a scope that contains comment, temporarily disables Copilot’s inline suggestions until your caret is anywhere without a … Read more

How can I implement my own code outline layout in vscode?

Okay, my request is now solved. The CodeMap extension, is basically the extension I’m looking for. I followed their guide on I created a custom dedicated mapper “mapper_X.js” saved it to an arbitrary location, and in my vscode user-settings I pasted “codemap.X”: “mylocation\\mapper_X.js”, (as described in the github guide). I then opened up a … Read more

VS Code extension – get full path

If you need the File use uri.fsPath If you need the Workspace Folder use uri.path if(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders !== undefined) { let wf = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path ; let f = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath ; message = `YOUR-EXTENSION: folder: ${wf} – ${f}` ; vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message); } else { message = “YOUR-EXTENSION: Working folder not found, open a folder an try again” ; … Read more

How to share extensions and settings with VS Code stable and insider build?

Try the Settings Sync extension, it should take care of both settings and extensions. Alternatively, you may prefer to replace .vscode-insiders/extensions with a symbolic link to .vscode/extensions (mklink command on Windows). This is preferable especially if you are doing extension development and have extensions installed from source in your extensions directory (rather than from the … Read more

In which path does Visual Studio Code install extensions?

Where are extensions installed? Extensions are installed in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder: Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions macOS ~/.vscode/extensions Linux ~/.vscode/extensions