Starting supervisord as root or not?

Supervisord switches to UNIX user account before any processing. You need to specify what kind of user account it should use, run the daemon as root but specify user in the config file Example: [program:myprogram] command=gunicorn –worker-class socketio.sgunicorn.GeventSocketIOWorker app.wsgi:application -b directory=/opt/myprogram user=user1 autostart=true autorestart=true redirect_stderr=True Visit for more information

Call a function before main [duplicate]

You can have a global variable or a static class member. 1) static class member //BeforeMain.h class BeforeMain { static bool foo; }; //BeforeMain.cpp #include “BeforeMain.h” bool BeforeMain::foo = foo(); 2) global variable bool b = foo(); int main() { } Note this link – Mirror of / proposed alternative – posted by Lundin.

Run Java application at Windows startup

Create a .bat file and put this inside: javaw -Xmx200m -jar C:\Path\to\jarfile\TheJar.jar Then put the .bat file into the windows startup folder. One more thing: There’s a difference between using java and javaw. While java is better when you are debugging an application, the application prints text or something like that, javaw is better when … Read more

App.xaml file does not get parsed if my app does not set a StartupUri?

Rather than overriding OnStartup, try using an event instead: <Application x:Class=”My.App” xmlns=”…” Startup=”Application_Startup” ShutdownMode=”OnExplicitShutdown”> <Application.Resources> <app:ServiceLocator x:Key=”serviceLocator” /> </Application.Resources> </Application> Code behind: public partial class App : Application { public App() { } private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { // TODO: Parse commandline arguments and other startup work new MainWindow().Show(); } }