How to read categorical columns with pandas’ read_csv?

In version 0.19.0 you can use parameter dtype=”category” in read_csv: data=”col1,col2,col3\na,b,1\na,b,2\nc,d,3″ df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(data), dtype=”category”) print (df) col1 col2 col3 0 a b 1 1 a b 2 2 c d 3 print (df.dtypes) col1 category col2 category col3 category dtype: object If want specify column for category use dtype with dictionary: df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(data), … Read more

Flutter: how to load file for testing

Just had a go at this and it’s easier than you might expect. First, create a folder that lives in the same directory than your tests are. For example, I created a folder called test_resources. Then, let’s say we have the following JSON file for testing purposes. test_resources/contacts.json { “contacts”: [ { “id”: 1, “name”: … Read more

How to read text file in react

Simply try the below code and you may understand import React, { Component } from ‘react’; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } showFile = async (e) => { e.preventDefault() const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = async (e) => { const text = ( console.log(text) alert(text) }; reader.readAsText([0]) } render = () … Read more

readFileSync is not a function

Node.js does not use Require.js. Require.js was built so that you could have asynchronous module loading on the client-side (in your browser). Node.js uses CommonJS style modules. Your code using CommonJS would look like this: var fs = require(‘fs’); console.log(“\n *STARTING* \n”); var contents = fs.readFileSync(“sliderImages”, “utf8”); If we assume you saved this in a … Read more

Is it possible to read categorical columns with pandas’ read_csv?

In version 0.19.0 you can use parameter dtype=”category” in read_csv: data=”col1,col2,col3\na,b,1\na,b,2\nc,d,3″ df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(data), dtype=”category”) print (df) col1 col2 col3 0 a b 1 1 a b 2 2 c d 3 print (df.dtypes) col1 category col2 category col3 category dtype: object If want specify column for category use dtype with dictionary: df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(data), … Read more