Replace PHPUnit method `withConsecutive` (abandoned in PHPUnit 10)

I have replaced withConsecutive with the following. $matcher = $this->exactly(2); $this->service ->expects($matcher) ->method(‘functionName’) ->willReturnCallback(function (string $key, string $value) use ($matcher,$expected1, $expected2) { match ($matcher->numberOfInvocations()) { 1 => $this->assertEquals($expected1, $value), 2 => $this->assertEquals($expected2, $value), }; });

How can selenium web driver get to know when the new window has opened and then resume its execution

You need to switch the control to pop-up window before doing any operations in it. By using this you can solve your problem. Before opening the popup window get the handle of main window and save it. String mwh=driver.getWindowHandle(); Now try to open the popup window by performing some action: driver.findElement(By.xpath(“”)).click(); Set s=driver.getWindowHandles(); //this method … Read more

Is it acceptable to write a “Given When Then When Then” test in Gherkin?

It depends on the target audience of the feature as written. It seems highly likely that the gherkin you’ve got there was not written with a stakeholder (i.e. somebody not-techie but has a vested interest in the business and the website). BDD is really about the conversation about requirements and expectations – and Gherkin is … Read more

Behavior Driven Development for java – what framework to use? [closed]

Behavior Driven Development is just a technique that can be used without any tools. You can just write tests in BDD style – e.g. start test methods with should and introduce some separate feature with this method. When and then sections can be replaced with just comments, e.g. @Test public void should_do_something() { // given … Read more