“git submodule update” failed with ‘fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at…’

Silence all safe.directory warnings tl;dr Silence all warnings related to Git’s safe.directory system. Be sure to understand what you’re doing. git config –global –add safe.directory ‘*’ Long version Adapted from this post on I cannot add the parent directory to safe.directory in Git. I had the same issue and resolved it by disabling safe directory … Read more

Databricks: Download a dbfs:/FileStore File to my Local Machine?

There are a few options for downloading FileStore files to your local machine. Easier options: Install the Databricks CLI, configure it with your Databricks credentials, and use the CLI’s dbfs cp command. For example: dbfs cp dbfs:/FileStore/test.txt ./test.txt. If you want to download an entire folder of files, you can use dbfs cp -r. From … Read more

How to tell g++ compiler where to search for include files?

As you’ve already been told, it’s useful to read the manual – specifically this chapter – and even more specifically right here. Specifically, you want g++ -I/root/workingdirectory -I/root/workingdirectory2 Note also the documentation on #include directive syntax, described here as: 2.1 Include Syntax Both user and system header files are included using the preprocessing directive #include. … Read more

Is it possible to get the compressed and uncompressed sizes of a file on a btrfs file system?

there is a third party tool that can do this. https://github.com/kilobyte/compsize usage: ayush@devbox:/code/compsize$ sudo compsize /opt Processed 54036 files, 42027 regular extents (42028 refs), 27150 inline. Type Perc Disk Usage Uncompressed Referenced Data 82% 5.3G 6.4G 6.4G none 100% 4.3G 4.3G 4.3G zlib 37% 427M 1.1G 1.1G lzo 56% 588M 1.0G 1.0G

what is posix compliance for filesystem?

In the area of “requires POSIX filesystem semantics” what is typically meant is: allows hierarchical file names and resolution (., .., …) supports at least close-to-open semantics umask/unix permissions, 3 filetimes 8bit byte support supports atomic renames on same filesystem fsync()/dirfsync() durability gurantee/limitation supports multi-user protection (resizing file returns 0 bytes not previous content) rename … Read more

What’s the difference between Xcode’s move to trash and remove reference?

Xcode stores references to the files that make up your project in the project file, namely, the projectName.xcodeproj file. Theoretically your source and resource files that make up your project could be all over your harddisk; of course that’s not a good practice. So, when you add an existing file to your project, Xcode asks … Read more