Chrome Headless puppeteer too much CPU

my default args, please test it and tell me if this run smoothly. Please note that –no-sandbox isn’t secure when navigate to vulnerable sites, but it’s OK if you’re testing your own sites or apps. So make sure, you’re know what you’re doing. const options = { args: [ ‘–no-sandbox’, ‘–disable-setuid-sandbox’, ‘–disable-dev-shm-usage’, ‘–disable-accelerated-2d-canvas’, ‘–no-first-run’, ‘–no-zygote’, … Read more

Headless browser with full javascript support for java

Nathan Ridley’s answer to another similar question is the most complete one I’ve found so far. Anyway, if everything fails, you could use a Python or JS alternative, expose its funcionality as a webservice inside your server, and then your Java application could use the headless browser’s funcionality through the webservice. It would be a … Read more

Setting java.awt.headless=true programmatically

I was working with a main() in a class which statically loads different parts of JFreeChart in Constants (and other static code). Moving the static loading block to the top of the class solved my problem. This doesn’t work: public class Foo() { private static final Color COLOR_BACKGROUND = Color.WHITE; static { /* too late … Read more

Vagrant up error in headless Ubuntu: The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot

According to mitchellh Can you start the machine manually (from the GUI)? This error message is usually indicative of VirtualBox issues. my solution I use vagrant under windows though, I solved this problem by simply kill all the VirtualBox process, and restart VirtualBox GUI, start the VM, then normally power off it. maybe useful links … Read more

How to login in Puppeteer?

page.waitForNavigation(); waits for navigation after a click or any navigation action that triggers from the page. You should probably add the waitForNavigation() after the await Promise.all([‘#loginSubmit’), page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: ‘networkidle0’ }), ]); It will wait until both promises resolve. So now your initial code would look like this: const puppeteer = require(‘puppeteer’); async function … Read more

What is the difference between openjdk-7-jre-headless and openjdk-7-jre(jdk)? [duplicate]

To quote debian’s wiki: There are several virtual packages used in Debian for Java. These cover runtime compatibility and come in two flavours; headless (omits graphical interfaces) and normal. Or to be more exact, consider this description from Oracle: Headless mode is a system configuration in which the display device, keyboard, or mouse is lacking. … Read more

Vagrant up – VBoxManage.exe error: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX) code E_FAIL (0x80004005) gui headless [closed]

Stop hyper-v service running by default in Windows 8/10, since it blocks all other calls to VT hardware. Additional explanation here: Also as you have mentioned, if not already enabled, turn on Intel VT virtualization in BIOS settings and restart the machine. To turn Hypervisor off, run this from Command Prompt (Admin) (Windows+X): bcdedit … Read more