Error npm is known not to run on Node.js v10.24.1 and how to fix it, don’t update to the latest version?

The problem for me was upgrading my global version of npm while on an incompatible version of Node (8.16.1). I tried to uninstall npm globally but that also didn’t work because I could not use the npm command. To fix it, I used nvm to switch to a compatible version of Node (nvm use 14.0.0 … Read more

How to fix Npm missing peer dependency

I have mis-understood the meaning of the ^ in version ^2.2.3. After reading this link, ^2.2.3 means >=2.2.3 <3.X. That’s why npm throws an warning. Besides, below are links about peer-dependencies What’s the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

Private bitbucket repository in package.json with version

Login to your bitbucket account and under user settings add an app password: Add package dependency to your package.json as: “dependencies”: { “my-module”: “git+https://Xaqron:[email protected]/Xaqron/my-module.git#*” } Replace Xaqron with your own username and pwd with app password from step one. to install specific version add #v.v.v (i.e. #1.0.0) to the end of dependency URL.

How to fix timeout for packages on `npm install`?

If it’s about the timing problem you should find a speed solutions for npm install. So you can try these faster command than npm install : pnpm install %70 faster or npm install –no-audit 15% faster or npm install –prefer-offline –no-audit 15% faster check this article for details : speeding up npm install

npm install: Is there a way to ignore a particular dependency in package.json

That can be done using devDependencies The npm modules which you require only to develop, e.g.: unit tests, Coffeescript to Javascript transpilation, minification etc,make the required module a devDependency. To skip Installation of devDepenencies pass –production flag to npm install,with the –production flag(or NODE_ENV environment variable set to production) npm will not install modules listed … Read more