Private bitbucket repository in package.json with version

Login to your bitbucket account and under user settings add an app password: Add package dependency to your package.json as: “dependencies”: { “my-module”: “git+https://Xaqron:[email protected]/Xaqron/my-module.git#*” } Replace Xaqron with your own username and pwd with app password from step one. to install specific version add #v.v.v (i.e. #1.0.0) to the end of dependency URL.

How to transpile node_modules modules with babel-loader?

Question: It feels like workaround, but isn’t there a more convenient way to handle such issues? I just pretend there will be more and more untransformed packages outside in the near future (following this discussion) and do we always have to manually put the package names for it in webpacks’ exclude rule?? You can use … Read more

Is providing a Promise as a module’s export a valid pattern for asynch initialization in Node.js?

This seems like a perfectly good interface for a module who’s job is to do a one-time fetch of some data. The data is obtained async so a promise makes sense for that. The goal is to fetch the data just once and then let all places this module gets used just have access to … Read more

How to prevent nested node_modules inside node_modules

There are upside of having less nested folders and downside having more folders in node_modules folder directly and version control problems. Use correct npm version Correct yarn and npm (ie: npm v3) should not have such structure issue. It should always flatten the whole structure where possible and only have nested node_modules if the versions … Read more

How can I use paths in tsconfig.json?

This can be set up on your tsconfig.json file, as it is a TypeScript feature. You can do like this: “compilerOptions”: { “baseUrl”: “src”, // This must be specified if “paths” is. … “paths”: { “@app/*”: [“app/*”], “@config/*”: [“app/_config/*”], “@environment/*”: [“environments/*”], “@shared/*”: [“app/_shared/*”], “@helpers/*”: [“helpers/*”] }, … Have in mind that the path, where you … Read more