Chrome Headless puppeteer too much CPU

my default args, please test it and tell me if this run smoothly. Please note that –no-sandbox isn’t secure when navigate to vulnerable sites, but it’s OK if you’re testing your own sites or apps. So make sure, you’re know what you’re doing. const options = { args: [ ‘–no-sandbox’, ‘–disable-setuid-sandbox’, ‘–disable-dev-shm-usage’, ‘–disable-accelerated-2d-canvas’, ‘–no-first-run’, ‘–no-zygote’, … Read more

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in C++?

Sadly these things rely heavily on the underlying OS, so there are no platform-independent calls. (Maybe there are some wrapper frameworks, but I don’t know of any.) On Linux you could have a look at the getrusage() function call, on Windows you can use GetProcessMemoryInfo() for RAM Usage. Have also a look at the other … Read more

What counts as CPU Intensive tasks (eg. sorting, searching etc?) [closed]

Terms like “intensive” or “expensive” are relative and it isn’t always obvious what activities are CPU-intensive. Generally speaking, anything that isn’t I/O is CPU. And I/O is asynchronous in node.js, so not a problem. Therefore, we are left with everything except for I/O being expensive. Your approach to pick general patterns is wise. Sorting, searching, … Read more

`Monitor cpu usage per thread in java?

I believe the JConsole (archived link) does provide this kind of information through a plugin It uses ThreadMXBean getThreadCpuTime() function. Something along the line of: long upTime = runtimeProxy.getUptime(); List<Long> threadCpuTime = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < threadIds.size(); i++) { long threadId = threadIds.get(i); if (threadId != -1) { threadCpuTime.add(threadProxy.getThreadCpuTime(threadId)); } … Read more

what are the meaning of values at proc/[pid]/stat?

From man proc(5): /proc/[pid]/stat Status information about the process. This is used by ps(1). It is defined in the kernel source file fs/proc/array.c. The fields, in order, with their proper scanf(3) format speci‐ fiers, are listed below. Whether or not certain of these fields display valid information is governed by a ptrace access mode PTRACE_MODE_READ_FSCREDS … Read more

CPU Intensive Calculation Examples?

A few easy examples of CPU-intensive tasks: searching for prime numbers (involves lots of BigInteger divisions) calculating large factorials e.g. 2000! ((involves lots of BigInteger multiplications) many Math.tan() calculations (this is interesting because Math.tan is native, so you’re using two call stacks: one for Java calls, the other for C calls.)
