Installing Cryptography on an Apple Silicon M1 Mac

This issue is due to a mismatch between the libffi header version and the version of libffi the dynamic linker finds. In general it appears users encountering this problem have homebrew libffi installed and have a Python built against that in some fashion. When this happens cffi (a cryptography dependency) compiles, but fails at runtime … Read more

Will x64 jdk-1.8 work in Mac with Apple Silicon (M1) Chip?

Homebrew does not support OpenJDK@8 on Apple Silicon (M1/M2) but Zulu Community 8 is present as a cask. You just have to enable cask-versions repository and install zulu8 cask. brew tap homebrew/cask-versions brew install –cask zulu8 It will install the JDK in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home. You should then configure your JAVA_HOME variable for development tools to use … Read more

Docker connect SQL Server container non-zero code: 1

You cant really use containers on M1 because MSSQL DB does not support ARM architecture. The only way I found – is to use Azure SQL container that supports ARM and can be run on M1. Here my docker-compose.yml config example: version: “3.9” services: # Database instance mssql: image: volumes: – events_mssql:/var/opt/mssql ports: … Read more

Docker amd64 warning on Apple M1 computer

The warning means that amd64 images have poor performance, and sometimes crashing behavior as well. This is a known issue with Docker + qemu on the Apple Silicon chips. For this reason, Docker recommends avoiding use of amd64 images when possible. Not all images are available for ARM64 architecture. You can add –platform linux/amd64 … Read more