open source text to speech library [closed]

Festival is an open source text-to-speech system. Stanford uses it for their Natural Language Processing class, and they have up-to-date instructions about installation on this cs224s homework page. Installation on Mac OS X requires a couple patches, which they’ve wrapped into a handy install script. There are alternate voices you can use which sound noticeably … Read more

SpeechSynthesis API onend callback not working

According to this comment on the bug mentioned in the answer from Kevin Hakanson, it might be a problem with garbage collection. Storing the utterance in a variable before calling speak seems to do the trick: window.utterances = []; var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance( ‘hello’ ); utterances.push( utterance ); speechSynthesis.speak( utterance );

Realistic text to speech with Python that doesn’t require internet? [closed]

Try to use pyttsx3 2.5, according the documentation: gTTS which works perfectly in python3 but it needs internet connection to work since it relies on google to get the audio data.But Pyttsx is completely offline and works seemlesly and has multiple tts-engine support. Works for Python 2 and 3 To install it: pip install pyttsx3 … Read more

Why does JSON.stringify return empty object notation “{}” for an object that seems to have properties?

JSON.stringify includes an object’s own, enumerable properties (spec) that have values that aren’t functions or undefined (as JSON doesn’t have those), leaving out ones it inherits from its prototype, any that are defined as non-enumerable, and any whose value is a function reference or undefined. So clearly, the object you get back from getVoices()[0] has … Read more