What does the Resolver param in nginx do?

The nginx resolver directive is required because the system resolver blocks. Nginx is a multiplexing server (many connections in one OS process), so each call of system resolver will stop processing all connections till the resolver answer is received. That’s why Nginx implemented its own internal non-blocking resolver. If your config file has static DNS … Read more

How do you handle CORS in an electron app?

Just overide header before send request using webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders const filter = { urls: [‘*://*.google.com/*’] }; const session = electron.remote.session session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter, (details, callback) => { details.requestHeaders[‘Origin’] = null; details.headers[‘Origin’] = null; callback({ requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders }) }); put these codes in renderer process

Nginx does redirect, not proxy

You have to use the proxy_redirect to handle the redirection. Sets the text that should be changed in the “Location” and “Refresh” header fields of a proxied server response. Suppose a proxied server returned the header field “Location:https://myserver/uri/”. The directive will rewrite this string to “Location: http://nginx_server:8080/uri/”. Example: proxy_redirect https://myserver/ http://nginx_server:8080/; Source: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_redirect

Spring Boot with embedded Tomcat behind Apache proxy

I had the same problem the other day. After some debugging of Spring Boot 1.3 I found the following solution. 1. You have to setup the headers on your Apache proxy: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName www.myapp.org ProxyPass / RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 443 ProxyPreserveHost On … (SSL directives omitted for readability) </VirtualHost> … Read more

Nginx reverse proxy to Heroku fails SSL handshake

I was able to solve this today and wanted to post the solution in case others run into the same issue. It turns out that the problem was related to SNI after all. I found this ticket on nginx.org: https://trac.nginx.org/nginx/ticket/229 Which led me to the proxy_ssl_server_name directive: http://nginx.org/r/proxy_ssl_server_name By setting to “on” in your config, … Read more