Why is it said that HTTP2 is a binary protocol?

Binary is probably a confusing term – everything is ultimately binary at some point in computers! HTTP/2 has a highly structured format where HTTP messages are formatted into packets (called frames) and where each frame is assigned to a stream. HTTP/2 frames have a specific format, including a length which is declared at the beginning … Read more

Nginx – Only enable SSL if SSL Certificates Exist

You can create an additional file ssl.conf and put here ssl configs: ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/atvcap_cabundle.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/atvcap.key; Then include from the main config: server_name atvcap.server.com; include /somepath/ssl.conf*; Make sure to include * symbol – this will not break when the file does not exist at development mode.

Why isn’t it possible to use a CNAME alias to Google Storage with HTTPS? [closed]

Assume you have a CNAME record: travel-maps.example.com CNAME c.commondatastorage.googleapis.com. Browser resolves name travel-maps.example.com and gets IP for c.commondatastorage.googleapis.com, then connects to port 443 of this address. Server with this IP couldn’t possibly[1] have proper certificate for travel-maps.example.com (and all other domain names with CNAME records like this). Only example.com domain owner could get a trusted … Read more