Merging pull requests together

Say if you have 3 pull requests A,B,C which are on three branches bA,bB,bC. and your main branch is master. First get all of his branches to your local repo without merging it. git fetch his-repo so now your repo may have four branches: master, bA, bB, bC I will create a branch from master … Read more

How do I comment on a Github pull request for a binary file that isn’t shown

Update April 2023: Commenting on files in a pull request is now generally available (Apr. 2023) Commenting on files (including deleted, binary, and renamed files) in a pull request is now generally available on the web and GitHub Mobile! A special thank you to everyone that provided feedback during the public beta. API support is … Read more

git request-pull: how to create a (github) pull request on the command line?

Even though they are called exactly the same thing, a GitHub pull request and a ‘git request-pull’ are completely different. The git request-pull is for generating a summary of pending changes to be sent to a mailing list. It has no integration by default with GitHub. The GitHub Pull Requests is a fully featured function … Read more

How can you add commits to a github pull request of another person to your repo if you can’t commit to their branch?

There are a number of workflows you can use here. Some examples are: Comment on the pull request, and have Bob make some changes. See Pull Request Discussion for more info. Merge the pull request onto a different branch, then make your changes before merging to master. You need to do this from the command … Read more

How to handle your first Pull Request on GitHub?

You have the right idea. if that set of changes looks useful to you then you probably want to merge it into your repository. Github offers a nice guide to responding to pull requests: – I’d start with that and see if you have any more specific questions about the process.