How can I analyze a file created with pstats.dump_stats(filename) off line?

Here’s what i found out and the Python program I generated. I tested this with a .dmp file made on linux & analyzed on windows xp. It worked FINE. The Python file is named, “”. #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- “”” takes the file INFILEPATH [a pstats dump file] Producing OUTFILEPATH [a human readable … Read more

Why is a function/method call in Python expensive?

A function call requires that the current execution frame is suspended, and a new frame is created and pushed on the stack. This is relatively expensive, compared to many other operations. You can measure the exact time required with the timeit module: >>> import timeit >>> def f(): pass … >>> timeit.timeit(f) 0.15175890922546387 That’s 1/6th … Read more

What does the “System” category of records mean in Chrome Timeline profiling tool?

I asked me the same question two years ago. I didn’t know what the grey bars respectively the System category stand for. It was hard to find an official answer because the only thing the Chrome DevTools Docs said was “Activity that was not instrumented by DevTools”. But this statement was removed since there is … Read more