I do not understand the concept of Non Deterministic Turing Machine [closed]

In a Non Deterministic Turing machine, in each branch – you do both possibilities – and only when you are done you “choose” which one is the one you need for the solution (if one exists). For example, let’s look at the subset sum problem, with S = {a,b,c… }. The Non Deterministic Turing machine … Read more

What is the benefit of using exponential backoff?

Exponential back-off is useful in cases where simultaneous attempts to do something will interfere with each other such that none succeed. In such cases, having devices randomly attempt an operation in a window which is too small will result in most attempts failing and having to be retried. Only once the window has grown large … Read more

Sql Server deterministic user-defined function

You just need to create it with schemabinding. SQL Server will then verify whether or not it meets the criteria to be considered as deterministic (which it does as it doesn’t access any external tables or use non deterministic functions such as getdate()). You can verify that it worked with SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(‘[dbo].[FullNameLastFirst]’), ‘IsDeterministic’) Adding the … Read more

Why is dictionary ordering non-deterministic?

Update: In Python 3.6, dict has a new implementation which preserves insertion order. From Python 3.7, this order-preserving behaviour is guaranteed: the insertion-order preservation nature of dict objects has been declared to be an official part of the Python language spec. This is the result of a security fix from 2012, which was enabled by … Read more

How should I Test a Genetic Algorithm

Seems to me that the only way to test its consistent logic is to apply consistent input, … or treat each iteration as a single automaton whose state is tested before and after that iteration, turning the overall nondeterministic system into testable components based on deterministic iteration values. For variations/breeding/attribute inheritance in iterations, test those … Read more

Does using heap memory (malloc/new) create a non-deterministic program?

In the context of realtime systems, there is more to determinism than a repeatable “execution path”. Another required property is that timing of key events is bounded. In hard realtime systems, an event that occurs outside its allowed time interval (either before the start of that interval, or after the end) represents a system failure. … Read more