What is the correct return type replacement for JSX.Element after the global JSX namespace has been deprecated?

Use directly React.ReactElement (or, to be more precise, React.ReactElement | null): import { ReactElement } from “react”; export function TestComponent(): ReactElement | null { return ( Math.random() < 0.5 ? null : <> A single Element (could be a Fragment like here) </> ); } This is exactly what (the no longer recommended) React.FC enforces: … Read more

Cannot resolve symbol ‘Routes’

I had the exact same issue of “Cannot Resolve Symbol” for most of the imports in Intellij, when I upgraded to the react-router-dom:6.0.2. As @DLH stated, the Jetbrains Product was reading the type file for the package from <system directory>/jetbrains/intellij/javascript/typings rather than from the node_modules folder of the project. As said by Oksana Chumak from … Read more

React performance implications of long key value on component

The length of the string you use for your key should not impact performance at all. Strings in Javascript are immutable and additionally modern Javascript engines use string interning, meaning that when your interpreter is checking whether ‘/some/url/ === ‘/some/other/url’ it does not need to traverse each character in the array in O(n) linear time, … Read more

TypeScript 3: JSX element type ‘Component’ does not have any construct or call signatures. [2604]

Late to the party, with “@types/react-router-dom”: “^4.3.4” and “@types/react”: “16.9.1”, and if you’re using RouteProps, you will probably get the same error. JSX element type ‘Component’ does not have any construct or call signatures. [2604] That’s because, in the RouteProps interface, the component is defined as optional, hence it might be undefined. export interface RouteProps … Read more
