Why is [] faster than list()?

Because [] and {} are literal syntax. Python can create bytecode just to create the list or dictionary objects: >>> import dis >>> dis.dis(compile(‘[]’, ”, ‘eval’)) 1 0 BUILD_LIST 0 3 RETURN_VALUE >>> dis.dis(compile(‘{}’, ”, ‘eval’)) 1 0 BUILD_MAP 0 3 RETURN_VALUE list() and dict() are separate objects. Their names need to be resolved, the … Read more

How to create a generic array in Java?

I have to ask a question in return: is your GenSet “checked” or “unchecked”? What does that mean? Checked: strong typing. GenSet knows explicitly what type of objects it contains (i.e. its constructor was explicitly called with a Class<E> argument, and methods will throw an exception when they are passed arguments that are not of … Read more
