Why are List and String identifiers named “xs” (in Scala and other languages)?
Basically it’s a naming convention that originated in LISP. The rationale behind it is that: X is a common placeholder name. XS is pronounced X’es, i.e “many X”.
Xcode unable to dequeue a cell with identifier
Instead of: UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath]; Try: UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if this does not work then, also add: if (cell == nil) { cell = [[customCell alloc] init]; }
Using keywords as identifiers in F#
Given section 3.4 of the F# 2.0 spec: Identifiers follow the specification below. Any sequence of characters that is enclosed in double-backtick marks (“ “), excluding newlines, tabs, and double-backtick pairs themselves, is treated as an identifier. I suspect you can put it in backticks: “private“ I haven’t tried it though.
How to deep copy a Hibernate entity while using a newly generated entity identifier
Just retrieve the object, detach it, set the id to null and persist it. MyEntity clone = entityManager.find(MyEntity.class, ID); entityManager.detach(clone); clone.setId(null); entityManager.persist(clone); If your object have oneToMany relationships, you will have to repeat the operation for all the children but setting your parent object id (generated after the persist call) instead of null. Of course … Read more
Why class { int i; }; is not fully standard-conformant?
Clause 9 of the standard allows class {public: int i;} (note the lack of a final semicolon) because this decl-specifier-seq for an unnamed class might be used in some other construct such as a typedef or a variable declaration. The problem with class {public: int i;}; (note that the final semicolon is now present) is … Read more
Can’t change bundle ID in project, greyed out
If anybody else runs into this, it is likely because you have a product name variable, something like .${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}, appended to the end of your bundle identifier under Target (your application) > Info (info.plist). Try removing that.
Selecting an ID with a colon in it with jQuery
Simply escape the colon with a \\: $(‘#test\\:two’); See the docs: How do I select an element by an ID that has characters used in CSS notation?.
Is there an ISO standard for city identification? [closed]
There is an ISO standard for Country code, but none (that I can find) for city code. There is, however; a United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations system of city identification UN/LOCODE. Edit: Lined out the wrong name, added the slash to the UN/LOCODE name.
Is there a spec that the id of elements should be made global variable?
It depends on which spec you read. 🙂 This behavior is not described by the HTML4 specification (c.f., and However, it was introduced by Internet Explorer and then copied in other major browsers for compatibility. FireFox also displays this behavior, but only in quirks mode (and even then its implementation seems buggy). The … Read more