Why does python add an ‘L’ on the end of the result of large exponents? [duplicate]

Python supports arbitrary precision integers, meaning you’re able to represent larger numbers than a normal 32 or 64 bit integer type. The L tells you when a literal is of this type and not a regular integer. Note, that L only shows up in the interpreter output, it’s just signifying the type. If you print … Read more

Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent?

Another answer because this is very different from my previous answer, and this is blazing fast. Relative error is 3e-8. Want more accuracy? Add a couple more Chebychev terms. It’s best to keep the order odd as this makes for a small discontinuity between 2^n-epsilon and 2^n+epsilon. #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> // Returns x^(5/12) for … Read more
