Operator ‘??’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘System.DBNull’
Both operands need to be object. Use explicit cast: (object)table.Value ?? DBNull.Value;
Both operands need to be object. Use explicit cast: (object)table.Value ?? DBNull.Value;
Yes, the ? operator is equivalent to try!(). ? is now in stable Rust 1.13, released on November 10, 2016. The best source of documentation at the moment seems to be RFC 0243. Note that the catch described in the RFC is not yet implemented at this writing (issue).
i+=1 is the same as i=i+1, whereas i=+1 just means i=(+1).
I don’t think there is a very elegant solution. However, you could try: If Not IsError(Application.Match(x, Array(“Me”, “You”, “Dog”, “Boo”), False)) Then or you could write your own function: Function ISIN(x, StringSetElementsAsArray) ISIN = InStr(1, Join(StringSetElementsAsArray, Chr(0)), _ x, vbTextCompare) > 0 End Function Sub testIt() Dim x As String x = “Dog” MsgBox ISIN(x, … Read more
Your problem stems from a misunderstanding of the or operator that is common to people learning programming languages like this. Yes, your immediate problem can be solved by writing x ~= 0 and x ~= 1, but I’ll go into a little more detail about why your attempted solution doesn’t work. When you read x … Read more
The Haskell 98 Report has a section on Operator Applications that clears it up: An operator is either an operator symbol, such as + or $$, or is an ordinary identifier enclosed in grave accents (backquotes), such as `op`. For example, instead of writing the prefix application op x y, one can write the infix … Read more
The short answer is that right-associativity can improve readability by making what the programmer type consistent with what the program actually does. So, if you type ‘1 :: 2 :: 3‘, you get a List(1, 2, 3) back, instead of getting a List back in a completely different order. That would be because ‘1 :: … Read more
Warning: this answer is about the implementation details of a specific python interpreter. comparing strings with is==bad idea. Well, at least for cpython3.4/2.7.3, the answer is “no, it is not the whitespace”. Not only the whitespace: Two string literals will share memory if they are either alphanumeric or reside on the same block (file, function, … Read more
It converts non-boolean types to boolean (dualvar(0,””) or 1). It is a shortcut way of doing this, instead of trying to cast it explicitly (which may take more characters). The ! operator negates the truthness of its argument. Hence, two of them are used. Many object types are “truthy”, and others are “falsey”. The only … Read more