Why is IJavaProject.findPackageFragmentRoots returning an empty array?

This was a bug that was fixed in Eclipse 3.7 (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=324367). As per the new API: The result does not include package fragment roots in other projects referenced on this project’s classpath. See http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.isv/reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/IJavaProject.html

How to use Eclipse for Ruby on Rails (RoR)

To save you some legwork, in Eclipse: Go to Help -> Install New Software… Click add (top right of popup) Enter a Name like “RadRails2” Enter the location as http://download.aptana.com/tools/radrails/plugin/install/radrails-bundle (for the full Aptana studio Studio 3, instead enter http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install) Click ok Restart Eclipse Go to Window -> Preferences. You will see Ruby is enlisted … Read more

Eclipse (Kepler) What is required to enable SVN Connector: Under “Team->SVN”?

I’ve never had this problem in Linux, but I recently had it in Windows. This is what I did: Go to http://www.polarion.com/products/svn/subversive/download.php (the link that Dollyn posted) Under the latest Release, copy the Subversive SVN Connectors URL The current URL for Eclipse 4.3 Kepler: http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/3.0/kepler-site/ In Eclipse, go to the Help menu → Install New … Read more

Backup Eclipse plugins and settings

There are two parts to your question: Copying your settings between Eclipse installs Copying your installed plugins between Eclipse installs #1 is easy to do. You can export your Eclipse preferences from the File -> Export… -> Preferences. The resulting file contains all of your preferences for each installed plugin. It is portable between Eclipse … Read more
