What tool to use to draw file tree diagram [closed]

Copying and pasting from the MS-DOS tree command might also work for you. Examples: tree C:\Foobar>tree C:. ├───FooScripts ├───barconfig ├───Baz │ ├───BadBaz │ └───Drop … tree /F C:\Foobar>tree C:. ├───FooScripts │ foo.sh ├───barconfig │ bar.xml ├───Baz │ ├───BadBaz │ │ badbaz.xml │ └───Drop … tree /A C:\Foobar>tree /A C:. +—FooScripts +—barconfig +—Baz ¦ +—BadBaz ¦ … Read more

Is UML practical? [closed]

Using UML is like looking at your feet as you walk. It’s making conscious and explicit something that you can usually do unconsciously. Beginners need to think carefully about what they’re doing, but a professional programmer already knows what they’re doing. Most of the time, writing the code itself is quicker and more effective than … Read more

UML class diagram enum

They are simply showed like this: _______________________ | <<enumeration>> | | DaysOfTheWeek | |_____________________| | Sunday | | Monday | | Tuesday | | … | |_____________________| And then just have an association between that and your class.

Tools to generate database tables diagram with PostgreSQL? [closed]

I love schemaspy for schema visualisations. Look at the sample output they provide, and drool. Note the tabs! You’ll need to download the JDBC driver here, then your command should look something like: java -jar schemaspy-6.0.0-rc2.jar -t pgsql -db database_name -host myhost -u username -p password -o ./schemaspy -dp postgresql-9.3-1100.jdbc3.jar -s public -noads Sometimes using … Read more

How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

ObjectAid UML Explorer Is what I used. It is easily installed from the repository: Name: ObjectAid UML Explorer Location: http://www.objectaid.com/update/current And produces quite nice UML diagrams: Description from the website: The ObjectAid UML Explorer is different from other UML tools. It uses the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code that is … Read more

What’s the best UML diagramming tool? [closed]

Some context: Recently for graduate school I researched UML tools for usability and UML comprehension in general for an independent project. I also model/architect for a living. The previous posts have too many answers and not enough questions. A common misunderstanding is that UML is about creating diagrams. Sure, diagrams are important, but really you … Read more
