javascript / jquery – select the larger of two numbers

You’re looking for the Max function I think…. var c = Math.max(a, b); This function will take more than two parameters as well: console.log(Math.max(4,76,92,3,4,12,9)); //outputs 92 If you have a array of arbitrary length to run through max, you can use apply… var arrayOfNumbers = [4,76,92,3,4,12,9]; console.log(Math.max.apply(null, arrayOfNumbers)); //outputs 92 OR if you’re using ES2015+ … Read more

“is not required” == undefined behavior?

The wording has changed in various editions of the C++ standard, and in the recent draft cited in the question. (See my comments on the question for the gory details.) C++11 says: Other pointer comparisons are unspecified. C++17 says: Otherwise, neither pointer compares greater than the other. The latest draft, cited in the question, says: … Read more

Python’s in (__contains__) operator returns a bool whose value is neither True nor False

You are running into comparison operator chaining; 1 in () == False does not mean (1 in ()) == False. Rather, comparisons are chained and the expression really means: (1 in ()) and (() == False) Because (1 in ()) is already false, the second half of the chained expression is ignored altogether (since False … Read more

Sympy – Comparing expressions

From the SymPy documentation == represents exact structural equality testing. “Exact” here means that two expressions will compare equal with == only if they are exactly equal structurally. Here, (x+1)^2 and x^2+2x+1 are not the same symbolically. One is the power of an addition of two terms, and the other is the addition of three … Read more

JavaScript – === vs == operators performance

I feel an answer with easily verifiable evidence would be best. These operations are so small that it is difficult to performance test them. == 1648 true === 1629 true control test 1575 true If you subtract off the control test, it looks like there is a ~30% difference in their speeds on my browser. … Read more
