Openpyxl check for empty cell

To do something when cell is not empty add: if cell.value: which in python is the same as if cell value is not None (i.e.: if not cell.value == None:) Note to avoid checking empty cells you can use worksheet.get_highest_row() and worksheet.get_highest_column() Also I found it useful (although might not be a nice solution) if … Read more

How to check if a value is equal or not equal to one of multiple values in Lua?

Your problem stems from a misunderstanding of the or operator that is common to people learning programming languages like this. Yes, your immediate problem can be solved by writing x ~= 0 and x ~= 1, but I’ll go into a little more detail about why your attempted solution doesn’t work. When you read x … Read more

Why does MSVC not issue a warning for signed/unsigned == comparison?

When comparing signed with unsigned, the compiler converts the signed value to unsigned. For equality, this doesn’t matter, -1 == (unsigned) -1. For other comparisons it matters, e.g. the following is true: -1 > 2U. EDIT: References: 5/9: (Expressions) Many binary operators that expect operands of arithmetic or enumeration type cause conversions and yield result … Read more

Suggestion to which C++ 3D engine is better between Ogre, Irrlicht and OpenSceneGraph [closed]

First off, both OpenSceneGraph (OSG for short) and Ogre3D are very well documented, supported, large forum etc… I don’t know much about Irrlicht besides it’s the newest of them. You probably won’t go wrong with either of the first two. Someone mentioned CrystalSpace; I haven’t looked at that in years, but it was far behind … Read more

c# How to find if two objects are equal

Your current equality method is broken – there are more values than possible hash codes. It’s entirely reasonable (and expected) that you will occasionally have values which are unequal but give the same hash. Equals should check the actual values: public override bool Equals(object obj) { Test test = obj as Test; if (obj == … Read more
