Why does struct.pack seemingly return “0”?

The output is returned as a byte string, and Python will print such strings as ASCII characters whenever possible: >>> import struct >>> struct.pack(“i”, 34) b'”\x00\x00\x00′ Note the quote at the start, that’s ASCII codepoint 34: >>> ord(‘”‘) 34 >>> hex(ord(‘”‘)) ‘0x22’ >>> struct.pack(“i”, 34)[0] 34 Note that in Python 3, the bytes type is … Read more

Why will byte not take 0xff in java?

The Java byte type is an 8 bit signed integral type with values in the range -128 to +127. The literal 0xff represents +255 which is outside of that range. In the first example, you are attempting to assign a value that is out of range to a byte. That is a compilation error. In … Read more

C# int byte conversion [duplicate]

Surprisingly, when you perform operations on bytes the computations will be done using int values, with the bytes implicitly cast to (int) first. This is true for shorts as well, and similarly floats are up-converted to double when doing floating-point arithmetic. The second snippet is equivalent to: byte someVar; someVar = (int) someVar – 3; … Read more
