AspectJ “around” and “proceed” with “before / after”

With this Test @Aspect public class TestAspect { private static boolean runAround = true; public static void main(String[] args) { new TestAspect().hello(); runAround = false; new TestAspect().hello(); } public void hello() { System.err.println(“in hello”); } @After(“execution(void aspects.TestAspect.hello())”) public void afterHello(JoinPoint joinPoint) { System.err.println(“after ” + joinPoint); } @Around(“execution(void aspects.TestAspect.hello())”) public void aroundHello(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable … Read more

Is using Spring AOP for logging a good idea?

I used Spring AOP for implementing logging so I share my observations: Performance impact is not sufficient, it is less than impact of logging itself Having aspects configured in Spring configuration, you are able to completely disable logging code if necessary Debugging becomes more problematic as stack traces become rather longer Such decision sufficiently affects … Read more

Intercept the call to an async method using DynamicProxy

Presumably the “problem” is that it’s just logging that it’s returning a task – and you want the value within that task? Assuming that’s the case, you still have to return the task to the caller, immediately – without waiting for it to complete. If you break that, you’re fundamentally messing things up. However, before … Read more

How to use AOP with AspectJ for logging?

I have created a simple aspect to capture the execution of public methods. The core of this AspectJ code is the pointcut definition: pointcut publicMethodExecuted(): execution(public * *(..)); Here we are capturing all public methods with any return type, on any package and any class, with any number of parameters. The advice execution could be … Read more

@AspectJ pointcut for all methods inside package

How about one of these alternatives? A) General execution pointcut with package restrictions: execution(* *(..)) && ( within(*) || within(*) || within(*) ) B) Package-restricted execution pointcuts: execution(**(..)) || execution(**(..)) || execution(**(..)) I prefer B, by the way, just because it is a bit shorter and easier to read. As you have … Read more

Is AOP a type of decorator pattern?

I would say AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) is NOT a pattern by itself (and thus not a type of decorator pattern from my POV)… its implementation can be done via one or more patterns (including the use of decorator pattern)… AOP is a programming paradigm IMHO – other paradigms are for example OOP, functional programming … Read more

Logging, Aspect Oriented Programming, and Dependency Injection – Trying to make sense of it all

Logging is not a Service, it’s a cross-cutting concern. As such, it’s best implemented with a Decorator. However, adding lots of Decorators just to enable logging of various different services tend to violate DRY, in which case you can then further evolve those Decorators into a single Interceptor. While you can use IL weaving to … Read more
