Troubles uninstalling oh-my-zsh?

Have you tried just running the commands from uninstall script by hand? It’s really straight forward: For the most part it just removes OMZ and attempts to restore a back up file: rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh rm ~/.zshrc cp ~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh ~/.zshrc source ~/.zshrc

Git tab completion in zsh throwing errors

It seems that the git-completion.zsh is not designed to be sourceed. You could copy the git-completion.zsh file to somewhere in the $fpath and rename it to _git instead. For example: (if you decide to have ~/.zsh/functions/_git.) First, you could copy the git-completion.zsh to there and rename it to _git. % mkdir -p ~/.zsh/functions && cp … Read more

In zsh how do you bind Ctrl+backspace to delete the previous word?

One may use bindkey ‘^H’ backward-kill-word. Note that, on old versions of GNOME terminal, it won’t work; see How do I get Ctrl-Backspace to delete a word in vim within gnome-terminal? and Bug 420039 – VTE doesn’t distinguish between backspace and control-backspace. As reported by thorbjornwolf in his comment, commit 23c7cd0f fixed it.
