Is there a standard option workflow in F#?

There’s no standard computation builder for options, but if you don’t need things like laziness (as added in the examples you linked) the code is straightforward enough that there’s no reason not to trust it (particularly given the suggestively named Option.bind function from the standard library). Here’s a fairly minimal example: type OptionBuilder() = member … Read more

MySQL Version Control – Subversion

This is not a MySQL-related solution in itself, but we’ve had a lot of success with a product called liquibase. ( It’s a migration solution which covers many different database vendors, allowing all database changes to be coded in configuration files, all of which are kept in Subversion. Since all configuration is kept in XML … Read more

Why does the Linux kernel repository have only one branch? [closed]

Mainline kernel First of all: don’t use that github link (it’s just a mirror). The actual repositories are located at You probably want to use Linus Torvalds’ tree, which is torvalds/linux.git. It’s called mainline kernel, which means this tree is the one where actual development of next kernel version is happening. Although it has … Read more

What are your experiences with Windows Workflow Foundation?

Windows Workflow Foundation is a very capable product but still very much in its 1st version 🙁 The main reasons for use include: Visually modeling business requirements. Separating your business logic from the business rules and externalizing rules as XML files. Separating your business flow from your application by externalizing your workflows as XML files. … Read more

Workflow Engine for .NET [closed]

I have used in one production system successfully (an ASP.NET system for handling 350+ different government business license issuance). A simple state machine is implemented in Boo, so we just expose the definition in a text file which the system administrator can modify. In the editor we do verification to make sure the editing … Read more

Undo local changes interactive

The command you are looking for is $git checkout -p The git checkout Manual Page says: -p –patch Interactively select hunks in the difference between the (or the index, if unspecified) and the working tree. The chosen hunks are then applied in reverse to the working tree (and if a was specified, the index). This … Read more