How to programatically open Settings/Preferences window in a macOS SwiftUI App

By inspecting the app menu, I found this solution: NSApp.sendAction(Selector((“showPreferencesWindow:”)), to: nil, from: nil) I assume that it may not pass App Review for using a private API, though, so less shady alternatives are still welcome. Update: This has actually passed App Review, so I had marked it as the answer. Update 2: For a … Read more

Creating A GUI from scratch in C++ or assembly [closed]

In order to create a window you’ll need to interface with whatever windowing system is currently present on your operating system. This will either require system calls if the window manager runs in kernel space (as is the case in Windows) or some sort of interprocess communication for user space window managers (like X). To … Read more

How can selenium web driver get to know when the new window has opened and then resume its execution

You need to switch the control to pop-up window before doing any operations in it. By using this you can solve your problem. Before opening the popup window get the handle of main window and save it. String mwh=driver.getWindowHandle(); Now try to open the popup window by performing some action: driver.findElement(By.xpath(“”)).click(); Set s=driver.getWindowHandles(); //this method … Read more

Why doesn’t Visual Studio want me to add a new window to my WPF project?

Your project is probably configured as a WinForms project, or possibly as a class library. If it’s created as either of these, you are only able to add a WPF UserControl, unfortunately. Of course, there’s no technical reason for this limitation, so you can copy/paste one from another project or recreate/change your project to be … Read more

How do I find position of a Win32 control/window relative to its parent window?

The solution is using the combined power of GetWindowRect() and MapWindowPoints(). GetWindowRect() retrieves the coordinates of a window relative to the entire screen area you see on your monitor. We need to convert these absolute coordinates into relative coordinates of our main window area. The MapWindowPoints() transforms the coordinates given relative to one window into … Read more

Cant drag and move a WPF Form

I am using a main window to hold pages (creating a navigation style program), and in the code behind of my main window, I inserted this… protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(e); // Begin dragging the window this.DragMove(); } … and it works like a charm. This is with windowstyle=none. Its nice in the … Read more

Open new window in new tab

The reason for window variable being undefined is the fact that you have declared a variable named window again in the local scope. According to the scoping rules of javascript/typescript, before the global variable is accessed, the local variables value is looked up. Also when you initially declare a variable, it is set to undefined, … Read more
