git-svn rejected Basic challenge now that VPN is required

take a look at this snipped from your error code: Authorization failed: OPTIONS of ‘https://<redacted>:2443/svn/LS/branches/PRODUCTION-SUPPORT-1/ls-policygen’: authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge, rejected Basic challenge (https://<redacted>:2443) at /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 943 specially at this part: Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge It looks like your company also changed autentication methods too. … Read more

WSL-2 DNS is not working with VPN connection on Win 10 [closed]

There is an issue with DNS Forwarding in WSL2 when using VPN (see github Issue). Plus there is a issue with the Cisco AnyConnect. So here is a workaround for these problems. Should work for Ubuntu and Debian. Workaround (new – automatic) This solution is automatic and was created by EdwardCooke (see This is … Read more

How VPN works in Android and List of APIs available? (lollipop)

Will try to answer few questions: 1. VPN doesn’t affect other app flows – it just “virtually” place your device in another network. For example some company private network. This mean that all requests being send over VPN connection will go to that network and all rules/filters that applied inside that network applies to traffic … Read more

How to configure VPN programmatically on Android?

1) I don’t know of any open-source PPTP or IPSec implementations for the Android 4.x ICS VpnService. VpnService is designed for creating custom-protocol VPN applications (which could in theory be pptp or IPSec). The only open-source implementation I have found that leverages this new API is one for OpenVPN: This provides one potential VPN … Read more