How to connect Visual Studio 2019 to TFS?

Richard suggested: Team | Manage Connections then click on manage connections, from where you can connect to servers. “Connect to a Project” form/dialog .. thanks for this comment ! i.e. in Visual Studio Pro 2019, the option is “Add Azure DevOps Server” even though wanting to add TFS server. i.e. In Visual Studio Pro 2017, … Read more

Visual studio 2019 “Unable to connect to web server ‘IIS Express’”

I tried this one and it worked for me: Go to ‘Debug Properties‘ Find ‘Web Server Settings‘ Change the port in ‘App URL‘ section and save the changes Run the application and the same error will appear again Switch the port back to the original port and save the changes Run the application and enjoy … Read more

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.0 – error CS1576: The line number specified for #line directive is missing or invalid

I had the same error message with a .NET Core 5.0 web project in Visual Studio for Mac 8.10.11, after installing the Visual Studio for Mac 2022 preview with (as you guess) .NET Core 6.0 Preview. It might work on Windows too as mentioned in a now deleted answer. The preview features as mentioned in … Read more

Checking for any code updates Visual Studio 2019 and 2022

I had similar issues just like this, where continuing after hitting the breakpoint would constantly pop that up and delay the debugging sessions tremendously… After hours of trying to figure this one out, I think I may have found the solution. I am not sure how your settings are, but this seemed to start happening … Read more

Latest Update brings Github error on pull, push, or sync

You should check if ‘C:\ProgramData/Git/config’ actually exists. If it doesn’t you can just create it and paste the following into the file: [core] symlinks = false autocrlf = true fscache = true [color] diff = auto status = auto branch = auto interactive = true [help] format = html [rebase] autosquash = true This worked … Read more