Must I still keep my 3rd party library binaries in source control?

Yes you can! The current NuGet workflow has always been to commit the Packages folder into source control. The reasoning is that it matches what developers typically do when they don’t have NuGet: they create a ‘Lib’ or ‘ExternalDependencies’ folder, dump binaries into there and commit them to source control to allow others to … Read more

what is major difference between dotnet publish and dotnet pack

dotnet pack – Produces a NuGet package of your code. That is the key difference – this will enable to publish to, or to a nuget server that can be pulled down by other developers, or even for use with Octopus Deploy. dotnet publish – Produces a .NET framework-dependent or self-contained application. Keyword is … Read more

Change NuGet package folders used by Visual Studio

UPD 2024: standalone nuget commands replaced with dotnet nuget CLI. The information provided is relevant for VS2022 and .NET 8. Cache locations Solution-local packages folders are no longer used by .NET Core and Visual Studio. The command to list user-specific folders is: dotnet nuget locals all –list And its typical output (I’ve replaced absolute paths … Read more