Git – Do colours mean something in vi when I commit?

Vi is giving you a hint about “properly” formatting your commit message. While there is no specific enforcement of one message style w.r.t. another, “traditionally” Git commit messages are structured this way: A short title describing the changeset (usually less than 50-60 characters); One blank line; A more complete description of the commit, optionally divided … Read more

map jj to Esc in inputrc (readline)

You should rearrange the inputrc so the commented line comes after set keymap vi-insert. Like this: set bell-style none $if mode=vi set keymap vi-command “gg”: beginning-of-history “G”: end-of-history set keymap vi-insert #notice how the “jj” movement is “jj”: vi-movement-mode #after ‘set keymap vi-insert’? “\C-w”: backward-kill-word “\C-p”: history-search-backward $endif