Windows Visual Themes: Gallery of Parts and States?

I have created a small Windows application, programmed with the table at Parts and States. This application lets the programmer browse and explore all parts and states, using the current OS theme. (High-Res) It can be downloaded at The (Delphi, Win32 API) source, which is too long to be posted here (due to hundreds … Read more

Win10 dark theme – how to use in WINAPI?

See This guy has it all laid out in some nice reusable code (MIT license). It seems that Dark Mode is still an area of development in Windows 10, but I believe that Microsoft will eventually properly document and expose it to desktop apps. Until then, we are stuck with undocumented ordinal-only imports, then … Read more

What is the ThemeInfo attribute for?

ThemeInfo attribute specifies where the automatic theming mechanism should look for the theme dictionaries and the generic dictionary. Each option can be set to one of the following values: None (default): Don’t look for a resource dictionary. SourceAssembly: The dictionary is the current assembly. ExternalAssembly: The dictionary is in a different assembly, which must be … Read more