Checkstyle vs. PMD

You should definitely use FindBugs. In my experience, the false-positive rate is very low, and even the least-critical warnings it reports are worth addressing to some extent. As for Checkstyle vs. PMD, I would not use Checkstyle since it is pretty much only concerned with style. In my experience, Checkstyle will report on a ton … Read more

How can I analyze Python code to identify problematic areas?

For measuring cyclomatic complexity, there’s a nice tool available at The page also gives a good overview of how to interpret the results. +1 for pylint. It is great at verifying adherence to coding standards (be it PEP8 or your own organization’s variant), which can in the end help to reduce cyclomatic complexity.

What are the differences between PMD and FindBugs?

I’m using both. I think they complement each other. As you said, PMD works on source code and therefore finds problems like: violation of naming conventions, lack of curly braces, misplaced null check, long parameter list, unnecessary constructor, missing break in switch, etc. PMD also tells you about the Cyclomatic complexity of your code which … Read more

What code analysis tools do you use for your Java projects? [closed]

For static analysis tools I often use CPD, PMD, FindBugs, and Checkstyle. CPD is the PMD “Copy/Paste Detector” tool. I was using PMD for a little while before I noticed the “Finding Duplicated Code” link on the PMD web page. I’d like to point out that these tools can sometimes be extended beyond their “out-of-the-box” … Read more

Is there a tool to validate an Azure DevOps Pipeline locally?

UPDATE: This functionality was removed in Issue #2479 in Oct, 2019 You can run the Azure DevOps agent locally with its YAML testing feature. From the microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent project, to install an agent on your local machine. Then use the docs page on Run local (internal only) to access the feature that is available within the … Read more

Are there any JavaScript static analysis tools? [closed]

UPDATED ANSWER, 2017: Yes. Use ESLint. In addition to JSLint (already mentioned in Flash Sheridan’s answer) and the Closure compiler (previously mentioned in awhyte’s answer) I have have also gotten a lot of benefit from running JSHint and PHP CodeSniffer. As of 2012, all four tools are free open-source and have a large and … Read more

Using Pylint with Django

Do not disable or weaken Pylint functionality by adding ignores or generated-members. Use an actively developed Pylint plugin that understands Django. This Pylint plugin for Django works quite well: pip install pylint-django and when running pylint add the following flag to the command: –load-plugins pylint_django Detailed blog post here.