Workflow engine in Javascript [closed]

As suggested by katspaugh I’m posting the libraries I found as the answer. List of workflow libraries that I’ve found until now: XState – Workflow.js for Backbone.js Sprout Workflow Engine Javascript Finite State Machine State chart machina.js jWorkflow Stately

How to implement a FSM – Finite State Machine in Java

The heart of a state machine is the transition table, which takes a state and a symbol (what you’re calling an event) to a new state. That’s just a two-index array of states. For sanity and type safety, declare the states and symbols as enumerations. I always add a “length” member in some way (language-specific) … Read more

What is the difference between a state machine and the implementation of the state pattern?

The way I describe this difference to my colleagues is that state patterns are a more decentralized implementation of many stand alone encapsulated states whereas state machines are more monolithic. The monolithic nature of state machines means that a single state will be harder to reuse in a different machine and that it is harder … Read more

C++ code for state machine

I was thinking in a more OO approach, using the State Pattern: The Machine: // machine.h #pragma once #include “MachineStates.h” class AbstractState; class Machine { friend class AbstractState; public: Machine(unsigned int _stock); void sell(unsigned int quantity); void refill(unsigned int quantity); unsigned int getStock(); ~Machine(); private: unsigned int stock; AbstractState *state; }; // ——– // machine.cpp … Read more

Python state-machine design

I don’t really get the question. The State Design pattern is pretty clear. See the Design Patterns book. class SuperState( object ): def someStatefulMethod( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def transitionRule( self, input ): raise NotImplementedError() class SomeState( SuperState ): def someStatefulMethod( self ): actually do something() def transitionRule( self, input ): return NextState() That’s pretty … Read more

Why does this take so long to match? Is it a bug?

There is some catastrophic backtracking going on that will cause an exponential amount of processing depending on how long the non-match string is. This has to do with your nested repetitions and optional comma (even though some regex engines can determine that this wouldn’t be a match with attempting all of the extraneous repetition). This … Read more

How useful is Turing completeness? are neural nets turing complete?

The point of stating that a mathematical model is Turing Complete is to reveal the capability of the model to perform any calculation, given a sufficient amount of resources (i.e. infinite), not to show whether a specific implementation of a model does have those resources. Non-Turing complete models would not be able to handle a … Read more

Akka finite state machine instances

TL;DR; While the description of states and transitions is rather ambiguous in the OP, the status of the chosen implementation, its implications and those of alternatives can be addressed. The implementation at hand can count as an “actor per request” approach, as opposed to what more frequently can be found, where the state-machine actor buffers … Read more

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