How to prevent docker from starting a container automatically on system startup? [duplicate]

Docker will autostart any container with a RestartPolicy of ‘always’ when the docker service initially starts. You won’t find any evidence of this within cron or any other normal system startup scripts; you’ll have to dig into the container configuration to find it. docker inspect my-container (Look for RestartPolicy in the output) I’ve mostly had … Read more

How to call a method after bean initialization is complete?

To expand on the @PostConstruct suggestion in other answers, this really is the best solution, in my opinion. It keeps your code decoupled from the Spring API (@PostConstruct is in javax.*) It explicitly annotates your init method as something that needs to be called to initialize the bean You don’t need to remember to add … Read more

How do I start my app when the phone starts on Android?

First, you need the permission in your AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED” /> Also, in yourAndroidManifest.xml, define your service and listen for the BOOT_COMPLETED action: <service android:name=”.MyService” android:label=”My Service”> <intent-filter> <action android:name=”com.myapp.MyService” /> </intent-filter> </service> <receiver android:name=”.receiver.StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver” android:label=”StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver”> <intent-filter> <action android:name=”android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED” /> </intent-filter> </receiver> Then you need to define the receiver that will get the BOOT_COMPLETED action … Read more

Cannot run Eclipse; JVM terminated. Exit code=13

I had the same error when configuring eclipse.ini to use JRE6. Turns out I caused this error by incorrectly configuring eclipse to use the 64 bit JVM while running a 32 bit version of eclipse 3.7. The correct configuration required the eclipse.ini -vm argumument to use “C:/Program Files (x86)/” instead of “C:/Program Files/”. Make sure … Read more