The remote host may not meet vs code server’s prerequisites for glibc and libstdc++ vscod
I had a similar problem today, I got the error “The container does not meet all the requirements of the VSCode Server”. Apparently, it’s because in version 1.86 they changed the linux requirements for the remote server Starting with VS Code release 1.86, the minimum requirements for the build toolchain of the remote server were … Read more
Is it possible to use the “code” command in SSH’ed terminal to open VS Code on local machine with SSH extension?
I found much better & simple answer thanks to this post. Simply create new script file named code with below contents & put file under any folder from $PATH. (echo $PATH to see what folders you can use) #! /usr/bin/env zsh local max_retry=10 for i in {1..$max_retry} do local script=$(echo ~/.vscode-server/bin/*/bin/remote-cli/code(*oc[$i]N)) if [[ -z ${script} … Read more
Connect to Git repository with SSH using Visual Studio 2017
I finally managed to make it work, using PuTTY’s Pageant authentication agent instead of ssh-agent, and following the steps mentioned here (it’s for Visual Studio Code, but works for Visual Studio 2017 and I guess it should work for any application that uses the “official” Git for Windows). Since I already had Pageant installed and … Read more
“Warning: the ECDSA host key for ‘’ differs from the key for the IP address” issue
If you are getting the following error: Warning: the ECDSA host key for ‘’ differs from the key for the IP address ‘IP_ADDRESS’ I would recommend to do the following: $ ssh-keygen -R If that does not work then remove the IP itself from known-host: $ ssh-keygen -R IP_ADDRESS This should would fix your … Read more
subsystem request failed on channel 0 scp: Connection closed
Try -O as an option in your scp cmd, i.e. scp -p -O -P 29418 [email protected]:hooks/commit-msg “jyei-erp/.git/hooks/” Faced similar issue. This solution is from comments in github regarding this problem. For more details –
VS Code Remote-SSH: The vscode server failed to start SSH
After a while, I found a solution that can be useful to others. In VS Code press: CTRL + SHIFT + P Type or select the option: Remote-SSH: kill VS Code Server on Host… Select the host name: And after this procedure, try connecting again to the host. That worked for me.
How to fix “ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out” for git push/pull/… commands?
For me none of the suggested solutions worked so I tried to fix it myself and I resolved it. I was getting this error on my AWS EC2 UBUNTU instance. I edited the ssh config (or add it if it does not exist). nano ~/.ssh/config And I added the following Host Hostname Port … Read more
vim: how to delete a newline/linefeed character(s)?
If you are on the first line, pressing (upper case) J will join that line and the next line together, removing the newline. You can also combine this with a count, so pressing 3J will combine all 3 lines together.
Is it possible to connect to SSH using JavaScript?
Sorry, given your constraints (client-side Javascript only), there is no way to connect to a plain old SSH server. WebSockets is not plain TCP. It’s a framed protocol with a HTTP-like handshake between the client and server that includes origin policy. Flash can make plain TCP connections, but it also has origin policy enforcement. The … Read more