Python Rule Based Engine [closed]

Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I’d suggest you to use some readily available solution. There are several expert systems out there and I’ll focus on those which are either in Python or can be used via Python. CLIPS CLIPS is an expert system originally developed by NASA. It’s considered state of the art and used … Read more

I need my Debian rules file to simply copy files to it’s target

Although you’ve already got your own answer, I’ll point out a couple of things. You seem to be doing this in a very complicated manner. If you simply need to copy files into certain directories, write a debian/mypackagename.install with the following format: path/to/file/relative/to/source/root path/to/install/relative/to/system/root (do not prepend / before /usr, or /opt, or whatever your … Read more

Why should i use Drools? [closed]

Fanatics of all stripes should be questioned, no matter what topic they rave about. Data-driven decision tables are a perfectly good way to implement complex behavior. On the day it doesn’t scale or perform to your requirements, perhaps you’ll want to consider something else. I wouldn’t want to make a technology swap in working production … Read more

C# – StyleCop – SA1121: UseBuiltInTypeAlias – Readability Rules

Just to clarify: not everyone agrees with the authors of StyleCop. Win32 and .NET guru Jeffrey Richter writes in his excellent book CLR via C#: The C# language specification states, “As a matter of style, use of the keyword is favored over use of the complete system type name.” I disagree with the language specification; … Read more