What is the difference between Unit, Integration, Regression and Acceptance Testing?

Briefly: Unit testing – You unit test each individual piece of code. Think each file or class. Integration testing – When putting several units together that interact you need to conduct Integration testing to make sure that integrating these units together has not introduced any errors. Regression testing – after integrating (and maybe fixing) you … Read more

Trying to implement python TestSuite

you want to use a testsuit. So you need not call unittest.main(). Use of testsuit should be like this: #import usertest #import configtest # first test import unittest # second test class ConfigTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print ‘stp’ ##set up code def runTest(self): #runs test print ‘stp’ def suite(): “”” Gather all the tests from this … Read more

What does regression test mean?

Regression test is a test that is performed to make sure that previously working functionality still works, after changes elsewhere in the system. Wikipedia article is pretty good at explaining what it is. Your unit tests are automatically regression tests, and that’s one of their biggest advantages. Once those tests are written, they will be … Read more

Unit Test? Integration Test? Regression Test? Acceptance Test?

Briefly: Unit testing – You unit test each individual piece of code. Think each file or class. Integration testing – When putting several units together that interact you need to conduct Integration testing to make sure that integrating these units together has not introduced any errors. Regression testing – after integrating (and maybe fixing) you … Read more