Is there a quick way to decrease the indentation of multiple lines in Python?
In vim, you select the block and then press the < key. In Eclipse you select it and then press SHIFT + TAB. Every code editor worth its salt has a one-key way to indent and dedent blocks.
PyDev not showing up in Eclipse
Too much! After wasting 4 hours trying to install PyDev 3, I moved back to 2.8.2 and used the drop in technique instead of Add new software and it now works! Download 2.8.2 from sourceforge Uninstall PyDev. Simply unzip the contents into the dropins folder below eclipse. Restart eclipse.
Aptana Error-pydev: Port not bound (found port -1)?
It seems that this is solved on PyDev and the problem is you can’t upgrade PyDev on Aptana 3.6.0. Version 3.6.1 takes out the integration with PyDev and lets you upgrade PyDev. So I installed Aptana 3.6.1 through Beta repository and then installed the latest PyDev. Aptana Beta link to add to “Available Software Sites” … Read more
How to solve import error for pandas?
I was having the same problem now with Python 3.4.3. I was using pandas-0.18.0. Upgrading (using pip) solved the issue for me: [sudo] pip install –upgrade pandas The final result of the upgrade: Successfully installed numpy-1.13.3 pandas-0.21.0 python-dateutil-2.6.1 pytz-2017.3 six-1.11.0 After this, the issue was gone!
How can I make the PyDev editor selectively ignore errors?
You can add a comment #@UnresolvedImport #@UnusedVariable So your import becomes: import as ISubInterface #@UnresolvedImport That should remove the error/warning. There are other comments you can add as well.
pydev: find all references to a function
Ctrl+Shift+G will find all the references to a function in PyDev (F3 will go to the definition of a function).
Where is classical vertical scrollbar in PyDev?
This is the Overview Ruler Minimap which is now the default with PyDev release 3.7.0 This is controlled by Preferences > PyDev > Editor > Overview Ruler Minimap
Interactive console using Pydev in Eclipse?
This feature is documented here:
Django — User.DoesNotExist does not exist?
The problem is really with PyDev, not your code. What you have done is absolutely correct, but IDEs will always have difficulty resolving attributes in a dynamic language like Python. In the case of the DoesNotExist exception, it is added via a __metaclass__ rather than through normal object inheritance, so PyDev is unlikely to be … Read more