How can I get a list of all pull requests for a repo through the github API?

You can get all pull requests (closed, opened, merged) through the variable state. Just set state=all in the GET query, like this-> For more info: check the Parameters table at Edit: As per Tomáš Votruba’s comment: the default value for, “per_page=30”. The maximum is per_page=100. To get more than 100 results, you need … Read more

Github Pull Requests template not showing

You must create templates on the repository’s default branch. Templates created in other branches are not available for collaborators to use. You can store your pull request template in the repository’s visible root directory, the docs folder, or the hidden .github directory. Pull request template filenames are not case sensitive, and can have an extension … Read more

Adding commits to another person’s pull request on GitHub

As long as the original author has clicked the checkbox in the bottom right: If that box is checked, then you can push back to the original branch without needing to add a remote by using: git push local_branch_name:remote_branch_name This is particularly useful if you’re using a tool like hub where you can check … Read more
