Getting processor information in Python
The platform.processor() function returns the processor name as a string. >>> import platform >>> platform.processor() ‘Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel’
The platform.processor() function returns the processor name as a string. >>> import platform >>> platform.processor() ‘Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel’
A gate (call, interrupt, task or trap) is used to transfer control of execution across segments. Privilege level checking is done differently depending on the type of destination and instruction used. A call gate uses the CALL and JMP instructions. Call gates transfer control from lower privilege code to higher privilege code. The gate DPL … Read more
The speed of a computer processor, or CPU, is determined by the Clock Cycle, which is the amount of time between two pulses of an oscillator. Generally speaking, the higher number of pulses per second, the faster the computer processor will be able to process information. The clock speed is measured in Hz, typically either … Read more
This is a wrapper I’ve made to make my life easier. Its effect is that the calling thread gets “stuck” to the core with id core_id: // core_id = 0, 1, … n-1, where n is the system’s number of cores int stick_this_thread_to_core(int core_id) { int num_cores = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); if (core_id < 0 || core_id … Read more
#include <unistd.h> long number_of_processors = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
Here’s an article from a few years ago that’s gung-ho on the technology, but I think the answer can be found in this quote: Why, for example, did Intel scrap its asynchronous chip? The answer is that although the chip ran three times as fast and used half the electrical power as clocked counterparts, that … Read more
Note: the Nintendo 64 does have a 64-bit processor, however: Many games took advantage of the chip’s 32-bit processing mode as the greater data precision available with 64-bit data types is not typically required by 3D games, as well as the fact that processing 64-bit data uses twice as much RAM, cache, and bandwidth, thereby … Read more
If the cache line containing the byte or word you’re loading is not already present in the cache, your CPU will request the 64 bytes that begin at the cache line boundary (the largest address below the one you need that is multiple of 64). Modern PC memory modules transfer 64 bits (8 bytes) at … Read more
Try uname -m. Which is short of uname –machine and it outputs: x86_64 ==> 64-bit kernel i686 ==> 32-bit kernel Otherwise, not for the Linux kernel, but for the CPU, you type: cat /proc/cpuinfo or: grep flags /proc/cpuinfo Under “flags” parameter, you will see various values: see “What do the flags in /proc/cpuinfo mean?” Among … Read more