Why do I get “TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting” trying to substitute a placeholder like {0} using %?

Old-style % formatting uses % codes for formatting: # A single value can be written as is: ‘It will cost $%d dollars.’ % 95 # Multiple values must be provided as a tuple: “‘%s’ is longer than ‘%s'” % (name1, name2) New-style {} formatting uses {} codes and the .format method. Make sure not to … Read more

Remove name, dtype from pandas output of dataframe or series

DataFrame/Series.to_string These methods have a variety of arguments that allow you configure what, and how, information is displayed when you print. By default Series.to_string has name=False and dtype=False, so we additionally specify index=False: s = pd.Series([‘race’, ‘gender’], index=[311, 317]) print(s.to_string(index=False)) # race # gender If the Index is important the default is index=True: print(s.to_string()) #311 … Read more

How to format the output of kubectl describe to JSON

kubectl describe doesn’t support -o or equivalent. It’s meant to be human-readable rather than script-friendly. You can achieve what you described with kubectl get pods -l <selector_of_your_rc> -o <output_format>, for example: $ kubectl get pods -l app=guestbook,tier=frontend -o name pod/frontend-a4kjz pod/frontend-am1ua pod/frontend-yz2dq
